Tuesday, June 07, 2016


Assalammualaikum korangg..!

Orang kata,
"Think like a man,
Act like a lady."
Be that strong woman, catching up on how men think,
Be their partner of discussion, not a passive partner of idea,
At the same time, be that feminine woman, showing the empathy to understand their side,
Be their friend, not their foe,
Even to agree the disagreement,
Maybe to disagree the agreement,
There's always a way to make it right,
Smile widely,
Say it gracefully,
They will feel it,
The firm aura,
With the soft way,
*p/s: Dah lama tak masuk opis, memang agak lemau dan lembap sikit otak neh. Cuti..? Eh tak laa, aku kursus. Tapi ada la short vacayy selit sikit. hahaha!

Happy blogging uolss!

Mmmmuahciked aaaa... eh, batal puasa nantiiiii...! =)

bercakap dengan bintang

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